Healthier Skin + Hair with Jolie Filtered Showerhead

Jolie Maria Garibay
Jolie Filtered Showerhead

Blog en español aquí

Jolie the Filtered Showerhead, all I can say is “WOW”. 

A while ago I got the opportunity to partner up with the Jolie team, and of course when I heard about a Filtered Showerhead that could definitely help your skin + have healthier hair I just had to find out for myself. Jolie Filtered Showerhead uses a filter that you only have to change every 3 months which I absolutely LOVE as they also offer a subscription option which was perfect for me since I am the type of person who’s always on the go! (Below this blog I will leave some links for you to know more about Jolie’s Filter)


 If you’ve read some of my blogs then you must know how I have very sensitive & dry skin, and lately I had been struggling with stress which I personally thought that was causing my hair loss, but never did I think of how the water could be causing this. Sooo, let me tell you all about my experience with this Jolie Filtered Showerhead! 

I wanted to try it out for 3 months before I shared about my experience and why I believe this Filtered Showerhead is a MUST HAVE. Honestly tho, as crazy as it may sound, I noticed results on the first day..

I will share 3 main things I noticed before and after Jolie:
AFTER JOLIE – Less Hair Loss almost nothing! (this I noticed on the very first day I used JOLIE)
BEFORE JOLIE – Sensitive + Dry Skin
AFTER JOLIE – Less Dry Skin ( my skin felt & looked hydrated + healthier ?! also noticed on the very first day using JOLIE)
BEFORE JOLIE – Dry Hair (no shine)
AFTER JOLIE – Healthier Hair ( natural shine, stronger hair)

It’s Crazy how CHLORINE in water can affect you, I noticed such positive results with JOLIE. 
So there you have it, my honest review, this Jolie Filtered Showerhead has really made a huge positive change on my skin and hair! AND I know I KNOW, this sounds to GOOD to be TRUE, but personally I would tell you to give it a try especially if you’re struggling with sensitive dry skin, or hair loss or maybe you just want to give your skin/hair a healthy boost! 

Whatever it may be, just give it a try, you got nothing to lose since Jolie promises a FULL 60 days REFUND if you don’t like it, it’s perfect!

Investing in yourself is always a good idea..
TRY Jolie Filtered Showerhead HERE  and let me know your results !
Let’s stay connected HERE

(p.s. sorry I did not add any pictures of BEFORE and AFTER as I mentioned above I was struggling with stress sooo I wasn’t on my best, I only took video of setting up JOLIE check it out here