Summer Blog
maria garibay exploring and traveling
The key to success is to start before you are ready.

No more WAITING, the planning is OVER.

WOW WOW WOW! I admit, life has been a little crazy for me lately, but overall that’s been happening, I can finally see some clarity!

I’m not sure if you’ve ever experienced some sort of unbalance in your life? Not sure if I’m making any sense.. I just mean how life can make you feel a bit uncertain or uncomfortable with certain situations etc; I guess that’s what I sort of meant with unbalanced life..

Anyways, the last couple of months have been over rated, from being in a car crash accident that involved a DUI person.. it was quite dumb actually, it all happened on a red light.. and this person was not well, alcohol is no joke when you’re behind the wheel, so honestly, be safe and do yourselves and others a favor, DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. I am just glad that my mother and I are safe, no major injuries.. messed up a few of my nerves and have a little tear somewhere on my cervical, but really tho it’s all good, just a couple of therapies. (march madness = my car crash accident)

Overall, I’ve been hustling with new projects and ideas. This summer will be the beginning of many new opportunities, new blessings, new projects, a new journey.

On Friday May 31,2019 my dear friend Diana Ramirez and I shared a HUGE SECRET with everyone and that was all about our new BRAND! YES, we created a new BRAND online, and within our main brand called “Insightful” there’ll be another one called “Insightful Babes” where we will be having our very own PODCAST!!
We decided it was TIME, we had been planning for way too long, waiting and planning, until we said, no more waiting! In reality, there’s no such thing as the RIGHT time, so I totally suggest and recommend if you’ve been wanting to create something new, or do something new, but you still haven’t because of fear or because you think it’s not the right time yet… I say, take action, now.

Summer 2019 I am ready.
Quick short, simple affirmations:
I am balanced and filled with energy.
I easily afford relaxing vacations.
I am always attracting abundance.
I will align my faith with divine timing and trust that everything that belongs in my life is making its way towards me right now.